Sunday, 25 May 2014

I have been looking at the problems from the UK Junior Mathematical Challenge April 2012. My aim with this blog is to keep a record of my maths work and to see if I can develop a richer understanding of my own mathematical way of working.

Onto the first question I looked at:

11. In the following expression 'box' is to be replaced with either + or - in such a way that the result of the calculation is 100.

123      'box'      45      'box'      67      'box'      89
The number of + signs used is p and the number of - signs is m. What is the value of  p - m ?
A) -3         B) -1         C) 0         D) 1         E) 3
The solution given involved a nice bit of algebra using simultaneous equations but I wanted to develop a different method of act. So I looked at the possible solutions of  p - m.
So if
  • p = 3 and m = 0 then  p - m = 3
  • p = 2 and m = 1 then p - m = 1
  • p = 1 and m = 2 then p - m = -1
  • p = 0 and m = 3 then p - m = -3
So only these values need to be considered.
  1. If  p - m = 3 . This is impossible since adding all the numbers won't result in the required number of 100.
  2. If  p - m = -3. This is also impossible since subtracting the other three numbers from 123 won't result in 100.
  3. If  p - m = 1. For this to occur we would have to add two of the numbers to 123 and subtract the remaining one. This is clearly impossible.
  4. This only leaves the case  p - m = -1. Where we add one of the numbers and subtract the remaining two others.
Note  To get this solution to the question I haven't had to do any hard calculations since I have just compared the size of the numbers present. I also haven't actually found out which numbers need to be added or subtracted. However I have answered the question.
Question  Can I alter this question to make my method too hard to do so that the question ensures that the numbers needed to be added or subtracted have to be identified?

Saturday, 24 May 2014

I want to use this blog to write about maths investigations I'm working on at the moment. I want to keep a record of the work I've done and possibly discuss with other's where they may have taken some of these ideas.

I intend to work on problems from the Nrich site and the UK Mathematics Challenge. Any suggestions for interesting problems is always welcome. I'm not planning on doing research work I just want to develop problems into richer areas of interest.